nape??ok2..citernya, after makan, aku n kwn aku..ila cdg la nak duk tgh2 pdg smbil tgk2 bintang kat langit..hehe..
p/s:- kalo kena kat aku sndr?? sumpah x patah balik dah..hehe
dear diary..i'm not a believer..people are born, they grow old and then they die..that's the world we live in..there's no magic, no mysticism, no immortality..theres nothing that defies rational thought..people are supposed to be who they say they are..and not lie or hide their true's not possible..i'm not a believer i can't be..but how can i deny what's right in front of me??
hahaah...kalaulah kita.......memang dah tade dialog2 dah....mulut suem beku, kaki j yg langkah laju...hikhik
yda:- haha..2la..kalo akak, mybe pengsan dl ke..pas 2 trus bgun n larikkkkk
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