cahaya yang menghiasi

cahaya yang menghiasi

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Chemistry..juz a single word 2 show something..u’ve that chemistry..u cn feel it deep down ur heart..but u forget that “menyintai x semestinya memiliki”..
We’ve met, get 2 know each other, falling in luv..but there is one thing that never happen..2 be together 4 eva…it’s not juz like the fairy tale..
We’ve fight all day long..every single minutes, every single breath..But the feelings still there..y not it become faded by the sun..y not it’s been washed away by the rain drops? And y not it becomes melt juz like the snow…
Love, hate..such a fine line..and I don’t know which one is mix together and can never be separated..the moment I’m trying 2 hate u, the love is juz like a flame..and the moment I’m trying 2 love u..i’m hating myself deeply..and it’s end up with a tears..
You..juz like before..staring at me with that kind of look..and I don’t know how to explain it..and my heart beats juz like b4..but both of us know…it’s not gonna happen..
B4 I’ts 2 late, b4 anyone get hurts more..i will say..bye..
We only have the chemistry..but we never destined 2 be 2gether..:’)

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